TV Drama Title Sequences
Narcos The title sequence used for the Netflix series Narcos uses a number of conventions, from music to camerawork to illustrate the overall theme of the TV drama. I split the sequence into three sections; each section represents a different theme that the show includes. The first section of the sequence introduces the main plot of the show, which is the investigation and tracking down of the infamous Pablo Escobar; we are shown various shots of high tech equipment, diagrams and maps to represent this main story associated around the DEA. We are then shown the next main topic associated with the show, money and cocaine. Already the audience is familiar with what the show is about. We are then later introduced to a luxurious aspect of the series though the shots of attractive women and private planes. This first section illustrates the overall theme of the show: the DEA, money, drugs and luxury. The music used helps create an exotic feel to the sequence, as i...