Statement of Intent - Arctic Apparel

Arctic Apparel is a high end winter clothing brand. The clothes range from parka coats to overcoats to casual jackets and other winter accessories

The Brief 

My company “Arctic apparel” will manage to create a marketing campaign that will emphasise our Fair-trade ideologies and our winter fashion selling points. 

The Posters

My products will be shown through two different posters that share similar features of mise-en-scene, so they can be related to ‘Arctic Apparel’. The posters will be shown in different locations, however with a similar background; This background being an industrial park. I plan on shooting in colour and maintaining a blue tint across the posters. This allows the posters to relate to our light blue logo. All the features in the poster will contribute to this overall blue look, from the sky to the clothes to cars In the background and street signs. Other features in the background such as the orange brickwork will compliment this blue and give an aesthetic feel to the posters swell as an urban atmosphere. One of our main selling points are our variety of winter clothing, so I want more focus to be put onto the jackets, I will manage this by centring my model in one poster and shooting close up on the second, to put emphasis on the the fabrics and other materials. Fair trade is our overall main selling point and this needs to be emphasised. I plan to do this by using text the covers the two posters, each conveying one of our selling points. The first will covey ideas about our clothing range, the second will coney our fair trade principles. I want the fair trade text to appear second as this is our main selling point and will remain in the audiences head. I will put our logo underneath each logo so the audience can relate the posters to us easily. 

Target Audience 

My ideal target audience would be 16-25 of the AB demographic, as stated in the brief requirements. Using a model around this age will allow this audience to relate to the product easily. The conventions of my poster, such as the aesthetic feel will appeal to this audience as they will be use to seeing pleasing images o social media such as instagram.  I think that my audience will be happy to spend more on quality clothes as they are helping our fair trade cause. 


Using a model the same age of the intended audience can allow the posters to relate to this audience and let them picture themselves in the clothes. Through my research into other high street brands, I feel I can achieve similar qualities to their advertisements. The texts used on the posters will represent the main selling points, the clothes and our fair trade principles. As well as this, the model’s positioning and eye contact with camera will create a more connected feel between the viewer and the company, which reflects our overall ideas about fair trade.


The posters will cohere to the BCAP guidelines. Not as many guidelines will apply to this genre of advertisement. 


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